I have a deep passion for science communication (aka outreach) as I consider it a incremental aspect of scientific work. Here is a selection of my acitivities.
SCHLAULUCHS – A Start-Up for science communications
Together with Martina Graf I founded the Schlauluchs UG – a Berlin located Start-Up. We designed cutting boards in bistable shapes. We thereby aim to inspire people about research on how our brains perceive the world. To put this in practice, we manufacture usefull everyday products which do science communication. Check out our webshop and support this idea – maybe a “Brettchen mit Verstand” would make a nice present for your friends and family.
Please find some media reports on Schlauluchs:
- A newspaper article in the Berliner Morgenpost [German]
- An article about Schlauluchs on Page 16, CNS Newsletter
- The facebook page of Schlauluchs
- The website of Schlauluchs
Workshops with kids/Youngsters
Together with Schlauluchs and my colleages from the Freie Universität Berlin, I regularly involve in activities to inspire kids to use their brains. In my view a reasonable mission.
- BRAIN AWARENESS WEEK (A workshop with kids @ Gelbe Villa): It was a pleasure to visit the 8-10 year old kids at the Grüne Villa together with friends from the Mind and Brain Graduate School Berlin. The kids were super creative in coloring bistable-shapes.
- LONG NIGHT OF SCIENCE (2016 and 2017 @ Freie Universität Berlin): Kids were coloring bistable shapes and during the long night I gave every hour a 15min presentation on bistable perception. We also had an EEG live demo. Kids can draw bistable images and it was possible to visit the fMRI scanner.
- CHILDREN UNIVERSITY (Kinder Uni) @ Freie Universität Berlin: Martina Graf (Schlauluchs UG) and I prepared different neuro-games and explained how our brains perceive the world. Particularly entertaining was how the kids performed the Stroop-Task!
- PUPILS VISIT SCIENTISTS @ Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin: 12th grade pupils visited the Bernstein center. Together with other PhD students of the BCCN I presented some neuroscientific results and introduced how it is to work as scientist.
WORK on Wikipedia
I am an active Wikipedian and supervise the Wikiproject: Altered States of Consciousness. Since several years I work within this project together with multiple studends to improve the quality of Wikipedia articles, which are directly related to my neuroscientific work.