My name is Timo Torsten Schmidt and I am a neuroscientist interested in the neuronal underpinnings of human consciousness. I work with methods from the field of computational cognitive neuroscience with a focus on functional neuroimaging.
In my research I focus on :
- the mental representation of consciousness content (working memory and mental imagery)
- mechanisms underlying altered states of consciousness
I am currently working @Neurocomputation and Neuroimaging Unit (NNU), Freie Universität Berlin and conduct my research @the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin.
I am an advocate of Open Science and would like to foster that scientific findings are made publicly available. I was part of the Fellow Programm Offenen Wissen (Open knowledge), within which I developed the Altered States Database (ASDB). This website makes scientific data on the subjective effects of different mind altering techniques publicly available, e.g. the experiences people have after consuming different drugs, or during such techniques as meditation or sensory deprivation.
Here are links to my social media and scientific profiles:
- Twitter/X
- ResearchGate
- Google Scholar (maintained publication list)
- Open Science Framework
I am active in teaching at Freie Universität Berlin and am the Koordinator of the MSc Cognitive Neuroscience